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Thursday, December 22, 2011

Astroword Puzzle

Word Puzzle Courtesy of

Answers (highlight to reveal):
ACROSS 2. Europe, 5. Star, 6. IO, 7. Supergiant, 9. Coma, 11. Nebula, 12. Moon, 13. Meteorite, 14. Earth DOWN 1. Retrograde, 3. Orion, 4. Pluto, 7. Sun, 8. Aberration, 9. Comet, 10. Agn

Searching for a Second Home

by Nikko Albano

AstroSoc Timeline

by Beb Jansen Poricallan

" So, what just happened the past few months this year?"

Barako Diaries

by Ron Buenaflor

Zoom in and feel the story. :)

Effects of Lunar Cycle on Marine Animal Behaviour

by Engr. Eduardo “Dward” Bornilla Jr., 
MS Marine Science

The moon, as a natural satellite, appears to revolve around the Earth in an elliptical orbit. But astronomically, these two bodies revolve around their common center of mass called a barycenter, which is also the point that tracks the elliptical orbit around the sun, not the center of the earth. Because of the synchronous rotation and revolution of the moon, only the near side of the moon is seen facing the earth. This moon’s motion is observed through its phase change in a cycle that occurs in a synodic month.

A lunar cycle, equivalent to the astronomical synodic month, takes place every 29.5 days in which the moon is able to complete its waxing and waning phases (e.g. full moon to full moon). This cycle affects the marine environment directly and indirectly by means of differences in moonlight intensity and tides, respectively, at different periodicities: 24.84 hours (lunar-daily), 14.8 days (semilunar), and 29.5 days (lunar-monthly) (McDowall 1969).

The direct effect of changes in moon phases is the amount of lunar intensity received by the earth (Naylor 2001). On clear nights, the earth receives light intensities (in microwatts/sq cm) of 1.83x10-1 at full moon, 2.12x10-3 at the quarters, and 1.8x10-4 at new moon. For heavy cloud cover, the intensity is reduced to up to 10 times (McDowall 1969). The indirect effect of lunar cycle on the marine environment is tide (Naylor 2001), in response to the gravitational pull of the moon to the earth. The gravitational attraction is strongest on the side of the earth facing the moon causing a bulge of water. On the opposite side, another bulge is created due to the centrifugal force brought about by the spinning of the earth-moon system in its barycenter (Reese 2005). Every new moon and full moon, the earth experiences spring tides (maximum tidal range) while every quarters, the earth experiences neap tides (minimum tidal range). The difference between these tides is due to the position of the moon relative to the sun and earth.

Due to the tilt of the earth’s axis, the temperate regions experience 4 seasons: spring, summer, autumn and winter. Because of the changes in the declination of the sun and moon, there is a significant difference between the spring tides during equinox and solstice (Naylor 2010) that the equinoctial spring tides have maximum sea level rise near the equator while the solstice spring tides have maximum sea level rise near the Tropics of Cancer and Capricorn.

Response of marine animals to lunar cycle
There had been studies on the effects of lunar cycle on the behavioural patterns of marine animals. In 1969, McDowall compiled studies on marine animals that seem to show occurrence of lunar rhythms and their respective mechanisms to adapt with their environmental changes. Some scientists argue that certain animal behaviour is a response to lunar stimuli (e.g. moonlight) while others reason that the rhythmic activity has adapted to the long-term cycles and continue to persist because of “biological clock” (McDowall 1969). Some observations, maybe due to lack of study during or maybe due to complexity, have no causal mechanism to explain rhythmic behaviours.

For the purpose of this article, several observed responses of marine organisms to the lunar cycle are illustrated as there are available data to prove or disprove such observations. These include reproductive cycle (McDowall 1969; Omori 1995), mobility (Yamatoto et al. 2008), retention (Law et al. 2010; Naylor 2010), and moulting (Naylor 2001).

Pacific palolo. Perhaps the most documented animal that exhibit reproductive cycle in relation to the moon is the Pacific palolo (Palola viridis), a worm living in tropical reefs in the Pacific. For a 78-year data of discontinuous observations from 1843-1999, it appears that the spawning of this worm occurs around the third quarter of the moon every October and sometimes September, whenever there is a blue moon.

Green shore crab. Another response of a marine animal to lunar cycle is exhibited by green shore crab (Carcinus maenas), a littoral crab living in gravel near high water mark and is native to Northeast Atlantic Ocean and Baltic Sea. It is observed that this species moults more frequently during spring tides than that at neap tides with forthnightly periodicity (Naylor 2001). Naylor justified that peak moulting after times of new or full moon is advantageous for the crabs are covered by seawater at high spring tides. Moulting during neap tides, when the crab habitat can be exposed at high tides, is maladaptive for early juveniles since lack of covering exposes them to damaging effects of wave action (Naylor 2001).

Streaked shearwater. Moonlight intensity affects the visibility of marine animals at night that some prefer to settle to avoid predation while others prefer to be mobile to catch prey. In the case of streaked shearwater, a pelagic seabird in eastern and Southeast Asia, this bird flew for longer periods and landed on water more frequently on nights with a full moon than on nights with a new moon (Yamatoto et al. 2008). The reason for adaptation to lunar rhythm is the higher predation risk from visual predators like sharks at higher moonlight intensity when seating on the water surface. Also, the seabirds forage on prey more frequently on nights with higher levels of moonlight intensity.

Leatherback turtle. The Leatherback turtle is the largest sea turtle with carapace covered by skin and oily flesh and can be found in tropical and subtropical oceans (Law et al. 2010). In Tobago, it is observed that these turtles nest when tides are at their highest (above the high tide line). The lunar phase may also affect nesting visually. Based on the data collected by locals and other volunteers, Law et al. correlated the nesting events per night of leatherback turtles to the lunar phase. Other authors in Law et al. study state that turtles emerge when tides are at their highest to minimize the distance and duration of crawls since their terrestrial movement is slow and metabolically costly. Also, on clear full moon night, there is greater visibility and presence of egg predators may discourage turtle emergence.

Selective advantage of lunar rhythms in reproduction
For many marine fishes and other marine invertebrates, it is observed that they have adaptive lunar or semi-lunar reproductive cycle. Omori considered adaptiveness as equivalent to reproductive rate which he defined as the number of juveniles reproduced during some constant period per an adult individual of the population with a cyclic or non-cyclic reproductive activity (Omori 1994).

Omori summarized the advantages of the rhythms as increase in the rate of fertilization, increase in the rate of mating, increase in the reproductive success, retention of larvae in nursery sites, spread of larvae over some adult habitats, and decrease in predator pressure (Omori 1994). Examples of these advantages can be observed in Galactias maculatus, in which at full moon and new moon spring tides, the mature fish migrate to spawning grounds and move up on to the grassy flats of river estuaries to areas covered by water at spring tides. The eggs are deposited among grasses, eventually washed down among the bases of grass clumps, develop later on and then hatch on the next spring tide that covers the grass (McDowall 1969). These eggs stay at their nursery sites and are more protected against their predators. In the case of species that release their gametes, the advantage to their lunar rhythm is that when spawning takes place at very low tides, the gametes are more concentrated on a smaller volume of water, making the chances for fertilization higher (McDowall 1969).

The sun and moon cause rhythmic changes in our environment (i.e. light, temperature, and other related variations) in a predictable manner. These environmental cycles affect plants and animals that their behaviour adapted to changes by avoiding harmful parts and utilizing beneficial parts (McDowall 1969).

Bentley, M.G., P.J. W. Olive and K. Last. (2001). “Sexual satellites, moonlight and the nuptial dances of worms: the influence of the moon on the reproduction of marine animals”. Earth, Moon and Planets. 85-86: 67-84.
Law, A. et al. (2010). The Influence of Lunar, Tidal and Nocturnal Phases on the Nesting Activity of Leatherbacks (Dermochelys coriacea) in Tobago, West Indies. Marine Turtle Newsletter. Vol. 127: 12-17.
McDowall, R.M.(1969). Lunar Rhytms in Aquatic Animals: A General Review. Tuatara. Vol. 7 ( Issue 3): 133-143.
Naylor, Ernest. (2001). Marine Animal Behavior in Relation to Lunar Phase. Marine Earth, Moon and Planets. 85-86: 291-302.
Naylor, Ernest.(2010). Moonlight. Chronobiology of Marine Organisms. 252 pages. Cambridge University Press. New York.
Omori, Koji. (1995). The adaptive significance of a lunar or semi-lunar reproductive cycle in marine animals. Ecological Modeling. Vol. 82: 41-49.
Pinet, Paul R. (1992). Tides. Oceanography. West Publishing Company. St. Paul, MN. 226-252.
Reese, Martin J. (2005). “The Moon”. Universe: the definitive visual guide. 150. Dorling Kindersley. London.
Yamatoto, Takashi et al. (2008). The lunar cycle affects at-sea behaviour in a pelagic seabird, the streaked shearwater, Calonectris leucomelas. Animal Behavior. Vol. 76: 1647-1652.

Innovations in Thermal Control

by Mary Angelie M. Alagao

From the appliances and gadgets we use at home to the rockets we send to outer space, electronics is the key in making these things work. Advancement in technology translates to an increase in know-how and understanding which leads to further development of sub-branches including electronics. But what is the consequence of its continuous upgrade? More power consumed. As more power is used up, our electronic devices get hotter. And as they get hotter, there is a great possibility of reaching past its limits, to a point where overheating occurs. What happens next? Damage. 

Of course, this isn’t what we would want to happen. We want to use electronics that would be able to last for years, especially if it is to be used in space flights and satellites. Here are two new technologies which are designed to help solve the issue of thermal control in electronics. 

Satellites used for communications, global positioning systems and civil defense purposes have heat pipes that regulate temperature and keep the overall system working. A heat pipe efficiently transfers heat from a hot location to a cold one without the use of a mechanical pump. This is sealed in a tube in which air is removed. When the liquid in the heat pipe comes in contact with a hot surface, vapour is produced due to its absorption of heat from that surface. This vapour condenses once it touches a cold surface. A process called capillary action occurs when the individual liquid molecules interact and attract to the surface of the container, thus, causing the liquid to be drawn back to the hot surface. And the cycle continues.

Heat pipes are thought to solve thermal control issues in electronics placed in microgravity since natural convection does not occur in space.

Scientists introduced the Constrained Vapor Bubble (CVB), which uses a cuvette pipe filled with pentane. This pipe is a rectangular-shaped glass tube made of quartz. With this design, temperature along the CVB can be measured with great accuracy. It is also possible to measure the size and shape of its meniscus since the tube is transparent. This experiment was launched at the International Space Station. The CVB also contains a Light Microscopy Module or LMM, an automated optical microscope controlled from Earth, allows scientists to record changes taking place inside the CVB. 

Aside from CVB, another technology promises an easier and more efficient heat removal in space, this is called the Electrohydrodynamic (EHD)-based thermal control. This technology, like the heat pipe, does not use a mechanical pump. It uses electricity to move the coolants toward tiny ducts inside a thermal cold plate; the heat waste is then pumped into a radiator and is dispersed far-from circuits that are heat-sensitive. The EHD consumes roughly half a watt, which means the electronics is safe from overheating.

Both technologies are lightweight, making them both suitable for space-manned missions. If both these technologies successfully live up to its promise, more advanced electronics can be made, more successful space missions can be achieved, and more questions about our universe could be answered.

IBM's Brain Chip

by Jerome Sabidong

Technology is one of the main factors that help us attain what we know in astronomy today. Rovers and probes are sent to space to gather information and send this information back to Earth so that we could make use of them. Telescopes help us physically see how far away objects look like. Technology continues to amaze us until today. What if these new technologies learn about the environment of other planets and filter useful data for us? What if telescopes recognize new objects that are not yet catalogued and notify us about it? What if “human brains” were sent to outer space without the need for food, yet still are able to function properly? Yes, they are possible in the future.

As we speak, the International Business Machines (IBM) has developed a microprocessor, called SyNAPSE, capable of mimicking how the human brain works. It learns by linking connections in its information channels called synapses (you see it right, spelled just like the microprocessor’s name), just like how the brain works.

What are synapses? Synapses connect neurons to other cells in our bodies, which enable us to interact with the environment around us. They respond to stimuli that our senses perceive which are later processed by the brain. After processing, the neurons make new connections in the brain which enable the brain to “remember” what it would respond. Scientifically speaking, this process is called learning. The stronger and more connections the brain has, the bigger learning an organism has. 

Synapses and Neurons, from Google

 The SyNAPSE works this way too, but it cannot solder and de-solder its wires repeatedly. That would be a design and implementation catastrophe both on the software and hardware side of its creation. Instead it “turns the volume up or down” of the signals where it wants to focus more. This is like selective learning, where you block the information on unimportant ideas or just pay less attention to it. SyNAPSE makes it possible for future developers and researchers to understand human behaviour and even replicate feelings in machines, which may end the idea of “heartless machines.” 

Now, with this in our hands in the near future, imagine what advancements would it give to the research community, especially in the field of astronomy? We could launch “conscious” machines to outer space, where we worry less about maneuvering its way to its destination, smart probes that easily recognize the edge of a cliff and respond immediately without waiting for a command sent by operators on Earth. Maybe a smarter jet engine which could repair broken satellites and put it back to work. The possibilities are limitless when we have successfully engineered the brain and share it to non-living objects to help us on our queries about the mystifying questions beyond our world and solar system.

Visualization of the microprocessor, from BBC News
Because the creation process of this chip is still ongoing, the creators are still having a problem on how the chip could handle its own. Greater computing power means more heat on the device, which could mean melting of the wires of the chip resulting to the chip’s destruction. Also, recognition would also be a great challenge because sense of sight is crucial in the part of observation. Although these upcoming problems present hindrances to the successful reverse engineering of the brain, the engineers are still doing their best to overcome the chip’s shortcomings for the betterment of the future of research.

Catching Up with Space Bulletin

by Jodevic Philipp Perez

Astronomy has always been a part of our daily lives, yet it goes unnoticed. The surprising part is that not much people are up to date with recent astronomical information, rather, most people confuse some news from late 20th century. Which is weird, because there have been a lot of new discoveries found these past few months.
Let us start with a bit of old to new find, the Magnetar. Magnetar is a type of neutron star, which like a normal one, pulsates quickly and emits x-rays and gamma rays. However, it has a strong magnetic field that could disrupt orbits and the likes, especially when having a starquake. That news is old news. The new, conversely, is that as of April this year, 21 are now known throughout the universe, while 5 are awaiting confirmation, including SGR-1806-20, found on the far side of the Milky Way galaxy, at the constellation Sagittarius.

Another recent intelligence is the final mission of Space Shuttle Program, Atlantis’ operation. Last July 2011, this has been confirmed by NASA, the purpose of such duty is to test the new robotics and tools for the following space actions, specifically, refuelling missions. As Space shuttle Commander Chris Ferguson stated,” We’re not ending the journey today... we’re completing a chapter of a journey that will never end,” which means that we are not stopping anytime now at going to space, we are just doing it differently.

There are some new speculations too about ages, explicitly, about the oldest galaxy so far. It is estimated that the galaxy is from 13.1 billion years ago, or in layman’s term, a four-year old next to our current adult universe. However, they still are not very sure of it, because it is just a smudge from the Hubble Telescope, describing the light as “high red-shift blob”. The basis for the study is standing at “pretty good”, quoted from Prof. Richard Ellis, from California Institute of Technology. With this discovery, we can speculate many more questions in the universe’s age and galaxies’ creation.

Now let’s jump to a Sci-fi turning to Sci-fact. In the movie “Star Wars”, there was a planet having double sunset and sunrise. NASA’s Kepler mission proved this circumbinary planet (planet orbiting two stars) in a location 200 light years away from us. The planet, known as Kepler 16-b, unlike in the film, is cold, gaseous and cannot be thought to harbour life. This research sparked a new possibility of diverse and wide range of new planetary systems, that which may possibly produce life. “Given that most stars in our galaxy are part of a binary system, this means the opportunities for life are much broader than if planets form only around single stars”, stated by Kepler principal investigator William Borucki. The investigation was founded in what was presumed to be a regular eclipse on a binary star system, but the brightness further dipped even though there was an occultation happening, that lead to a guess of a third body. Also, when there was an irregularity in the dimming of the stars, while the stars are at different positions, it seems that the third body orbits both of these stars as the stars themselves rotate one another.

Additional up to date news, just last September 12 a daredevil comet headed straight to the Sun. It happened just hours after a solar storm sent a massive cloud of charged particles streaking into space. A comet of first magnitude brightness, that disappeared on the 14th. The comet itself did not survive long enough to be studied thoroughly, though they did suspected it to be part of the Kreutz family of comets, coming from one large comet that broke into smaller ones.

As far as improving technologies go, NASA is trying to keep up. As such, they have announced a new kind of deep space exploration system, a type that gives a safe, affordable and sustainable means for venturing our minds into the unique concept of space. As they unveiled the design for the developing Space Launch System (SLS), they swear of providing a new national capability for human exploration on Earth’s orbit. The SLS and its components are made to be durable and evolvable, to ensure further development. It is believed to reduce development costs while expected to improve existing capabilities. NASA administrator Charles Bolden said, “President Obama challenged us to be bold and to dream big, and that’s exactly what we are doing at NASA.” Basically, the SLS is a rocket produced to face the current crisis of recession, while maintaining a balance in sustainability, altogether with the purpose of maximizing efficiency at a lowered risk and cost.
Another from the fresh counter, let us tackle our galaxy, the Milky Way. We easily know that our galaxy is a spiral one, and now with new data, it can be hypothesized that the spirals are a product of collision of our galaxy with another. The galaxy we interact with, in a specified and predestined course, is the Sagittarius dwarf galaxy. In the report, it is said that the dark matter composing galaxies have a strong effect, as seen in the simulators. As the galaxies bump into each other, the force of impact sends the stars and other object streaming in a loop, and thus, forming our familiar curves. But, the Sagittarius galaxy is not safe from harm too, for our galaxy has stronger gravity. So when the Sagittarius galaxy collides with ours, it is ripped of its contents in 80-90% ratio.

Heating up an old gossip, we now move to the further connection of Mars and its supposed ancient water. Mars Rover Opportunity collected samples from the Endeavour Crater, in which said brought sedimentary rocks was older than anything studied by the rover. These provided new clues to the planet’s environment when there was still water lying on its surface. Further study on the composition of the samples shows enormous amount of minerals like bromine, phosphorus, chlorine and the likes, which are present and mobile in the presence of water. While these look insignificant, imagine if there was a lot of water on Mars, thus, the speculation of life is again revived. The ones handling the project says that they need more clay sample to see if there were less acid in them, showing of how much water was there in the first place.

In conclusion, we can see that many astronomical findings go beyond our regular radar. Sure, it may not affect us directly, nor change the way people think of our world. But it is still a nice change to read stuff like this rather than depressing news about worsening suicide rates.

7 Must-see Astronomy Sites

by Carlo Ray Selabao

We love internet surfing as much as we love astronomy. Out of many online astronomy websites, I handpicked seven of my favorite sites. My selection is based on the site’s visual appeal, user friendliness, presentation of information, and, of course, my taste.

This site offers new beautiful astronomy related images each day, along with its explanation written by professional astronomers. Take a visit and make it a part of your daily routine.

This blog-like site features astronomy and space-related news. It presents astronomy updates in a way that everyone can easily appreciate. One must check the ‘Guide to Space’ Section which offers easy-to-understand concepts about anything in space. The ‘Carnival of Space’ section is where bloggers, chosen weekly, to host the carnival, showcase articles related to space. Bloggers out there, you might want to check this.

It features different articles about water, energy, health, food, biodiversity, earth, human world, and space. It has very interesting articles about astronomy essentials that will help you easily understand the night sky. It is also supported by thousands of scientists and scientific institutions. Along with its tag name, “A Clear Voice for Science” it is viewed million of times a day online and through broadcast.

This is a new site that serves as a guide for meteor showers. What’s great about this site is the easy navigation. It also shows a lot of details about the meteor shower including viewing conditions, locations and times. They have separated the locations to continents and narrowed it into countries.

It is an online interactive and virtual sky map. It shows what you can see in the sky at a specific time and place. Easy to use, the planetarium is among the website’s fun flash-based games.

It gives one a chance to explore the universe with telescopes that you can control over the internet. One can take an image of the moon, planets, galaxy, and other celestial bodies by pointing and focusing the telescopes, adjusting the exposure times, filters, and other settings. It helps the user to become familiarized with the telescopes.

It offers a lot of interactive, simulator-based online laboratories for introductory astronomy. The animations and simulations will help students and educators to easily understand hard-to-visualize concepts in astronomy. There are also astronomy questions and images. This site would be a great reference to teach astronomy to beginners.


by Ron Buenaflor

Profound Autism

by Lei Motilla

Raising your head up, staring at a point on the night sky, and being fixated for an unusually prolonged period of time in a public place where people are going about - will make you appear strange if not autistic. 

But can you keep your eyes from immediately surrendering to such sight of exquisite beauty - a magnificence gone out of bounds, an unfathomable cosmos, and an enthrallment to indulge in; to marvel at, and to marvel on what such infinity makes of you?

Most people are too preoccupied by the requirements of life, that their vision beholds necessary only those immediate to perception, that they regard matters outside the confinement of their own horizon, beyond their concern.

However, special are the few whose sight is not just able to defy gravity, but also whose curiosity refuses the limit of their own understanding. 

For above and beyond culture, exigencies, goals and just about everything we value or disvalue out of the splendor of human experience in the course of history, lies not mere scintillating displays of dots and pretty lights for our viewing pleasure, seeing it only as what our receptors receive is seeing it only as an astonishing image.

But recognizing these emanating lights that took a thousand light years to travel as the rest of the universe reaching out to let us know that we are part of it, of a Universe whose very origin is an emergence from uncertainty and intense violence, that the order is in manifest of disorder, intelligible or not. 

There is a space of inexhaustible measure, timeless and inconceivable; a space our world and everything we think we know is suspended, where the truth pervades in absolute decree, where there is no representation or definition, and where the prominence brought about by our senses terminates. The magnitude calls to us humility but its profundity urges us to rethink again. Like an empty box that at second sight allows us to realize what we can and want to do with it.

And this is the reason why knowledge of Astronomy even in the most general level, as long as it is driven by interest coming from a sincere appreciation of its wonders, is and should be a vital pint of life. 

For without it, rational capacity would be devoid of its significance, we will fail to escape the captivity of convention, more so, life would cease to be enchanting.

I can say that, in essence, we are more than a consequence of a chain process, for we are, in the scale of the great cosmos, an infinitesimal, but conscious constituent of the celestial family.

A realization has begun from looking seemingly autistic, while gazing at the sky one starry, starry night.

Turning Point

The last time I did an observation was during the Total Lunar Eclipse on June 16, 2011. Since then, I’ve seldom looked up and observed the night sky because of the bad weather - or maybe, things have changed without me knowing.

My love for astronomy has inspired me in many ways. For four years, I've been fond of taking pictures of the sun, moon, planets and constellations; participated in various activities of local astronomy groups; and blogged almost all my astronomy-related experiences. Through these activities, I became motivated to take risks and grab opportunities. Before, I was known to be a very timid person who couldn't even talk in front of many people and was always afraid to try new things. I still have these weaknesses, but because of my desire to pursue Astronomy in every way I can, I gradually improved.

Then one day, I just stopped doing these activities. I started to doubt if I would still do the same for the rest of my life.

There are many reasons why I came to this realization. I blame the realities of life that I am getting old and my priorities should be to work hard and earn for a living. Moreover, Astronomy is a very expensive hobby and can be time-consuming. A practical person would rather choose to spend his or her money to buy necessities such as food and clothes, and save to buy a car or a house than choosing the best telescope. 

Despite these worries, my desire to pursue Astronomy has always been there. It is my happiness. I am not only sure in what way I can sustain it. 

This year, I attended two international conferences where I met professional and amateur astronomers. I exchanged views about the situation of Astronomy in the Philippines and discussed about my career plan in the future. It was here that I understood the cause of my problem. I realized that I was afraid of the changes that I have to make and what I have to be just to fulfill my dream. I need more time, effort, and dedication to become a scientist. As much as I wanted to do the same things for the past four years, I have to set it aside for growth. I am starting to believe that there are things you can’t do at the same time. 

I am sharing this to UP Astrosoc members, especially to those who are about to leave UP and to those who resist change. The world outside UP will definitely test how you value your goals and dreams and push you to the limit. Life out there is more than just observing under the stars and taking pictures of the heavens. You have to know your priorities even if it means giving up something you’ve worked hard for so long. All of us have our own comfort zones. Sometimes, the only way to grow and mature is to set aside these things that hold us back. 

To the stars!

Background Check: A Planetary Imager's Success Story

by Rej Avena

Every success story starts from a simple dream or yet, a simple hobby; a dream that is fulfilled through sheer hard work, patience and love for what one wants to pursue and do.

Some people have been fortunate enough to be endowed a gift or a talent, while some find their passion from the simple to the most extraordinary of things; some even refer to it as a life calling. But every success is achieved only through diligence, perseverance and determination; characteristics that eventually reward not only an accomplishment, but the recognition of having made a difference.
Christopher Go, a celebrated Filipino amateur astronomer, is one great example of such a success, coming from a humble beginning, but packed with fascination and keen interest. He started his journey in astronomy. Starting one night in year 1986, after discovering the magnificence that lies in the heavens, which started from observing the Halley’s comet, to his first solar eclipse, and finally, delving his interest in doing planetary imaging. He has been known for his discovery, the “Red Spot Jr.” or the Oval BA in the 24th of February in the year 2006 using his 11-inch telescope and a CCD camera. Since then, Chris was receiving a lot of opportunities and offers to do planetary research which involves working in a group of professional astronomers that constantly research on Jupiter and had a very good chance to use the most sought Hubble Space Telescope.

Let us take a look, as this down-to-earth, young amateur astronomer answers some questions regarding astronomy in the country and his continued passion for astronomy and astrophotography.

R: Can you tell us how your being an amateur astronomer made you what you are right now?

CG: Nothing really has changed. Astronomy is a hobby to me and I do it because I enjoy it. It is well integrated with my normal life.

R: Being an internationally-recognized amateur astronomer, what can you say about the status of astronomy here in the Philippines?

CG: Astronomy is not one of the top priorities here in the Philippines. I think most people view it as a superfluous science. Yet, Astronomy is the gateway to the science. In Thailand, when they added Astronomy to their Intermediate curriculum, there was an uptick in the number of people taking science and engineering courses. People also tend to be more scientifically literate when they take up Astronomy.

In the Philippines, we still have a long way to go.

R: When did you start your interest in planetary imaging, particularly in the planet Jupiter?

CG: I started doing planetary imaging during the Great Mars Opposition of 2003. I started Jupiter imaging the year after that.

R: Do you still work with Dr. Imke de Pater and other planetary astronomers in and outside the country? If yes, what are you currently up to now? Do you do some researches on other planets aside from Jupiter?

CG: Yes, I am still part of Imke’s group. We are still studying Jupiter’s atmospheres. I also have collaboration with other Jupiter groups and outer planet astronomers like Glenn Orton and Kevin Baines of NASA’s Jet Propulsion Laboratory, Agustin Sanchez Lavega of International Outer Planet Watch whom I co-authored a Nature Paper, and other astronomers around the world. I also collaborate with three spacecrafts, the Cassini Saturn Mission, whom I co-authored another Nature Paper, the recently launched JUNO spacecraft that is going to Jupiter and more recently, New Horizons-Pluto Express.

R: In what way do you think your researches could help encourage other people to thrive in astronomy as well?

CG: I have to say that I have done my research with a limited personal budget and very limited external support. Yes, I am able to do cutting edge research because of international collaboration. I did this by finding out what I can do best and what I can contribute to the research on Outer Planets.
What I would rather encourage is more support in science research in our country. We should do our research with more international collaboration so that we can set our place in the cutting edge of each of the field of science research. Unfortunately, the Philippines rates poorly in terms of research even though we have a lot of capable Filipinos who are able to do a lot of contributions.

R: What advice can you give to fellow astronomers and enthusiasts who wanted to start in planetary imaging in particular? What are the basic requirements?

CG: You just need a medium size telescope, a good mount and a webcam. I started planetary imaging with an 8” telescope and a Phillips Toucam webcam. Other things that is required is patience and perseverance to image the planets every clear night.

*I want to personally thank Mr. Christopher Go for taking his time to answer my questions for this article.

2011-2012 First Sem Starter

by Beb Jansen Poricallan

After a jovial summer under the sun, for some, and a not so sunny for the others, who spent their days walled in the four corners of a classroom, we are back once again in the university for a new year of challenges, struggles and fun of course. After a very tedious registration, honestly it was a struggle for most, what can be better than meeting your friends, catching up with them and spending some time together? This is the reason why we have our sem starters to ignite our semester with fun-filled activities while bonding with the members.

 "Fun, not just during starry nights."

The first sem starter for this year was held last July 23, Sunday. Six (6) members arrived in time for the first part which was a basketball match at the UP Bliss covered court. It was not a hardcore basketball game given the number of players, two of whom are females and do not play the sport, but a shooting game rather where the team with the highest number of points garnered wins. More members came after lunch for the second and last part at the Quezon City Memorial Circle where more getting-to-know games and energizers awaited. All the activities were prepared and facilitated by the Resource cluster head, Mr. Andro Marco Zantua.

 "We all know what you did last night.. gazing at the skies above, in clear, cold nights."

The number of members who came for the event was less than expected; nonetheless the event was pulled off and was able to serve its purpose. Aside from the regular members, an associate participated, Mr. Ronald Buenaflor, whose presence was greatly appreciated since the sem starter is an activity for the regular and associate members alike.

The activity culminated with an early dinner at the Tropical Hut, still at the QC Memorial Circle. The members here were able to have more chitchats and in-depth conversations about themselves whilst enjoying the food.

The Day of the Black Sun

by Erika Valdueza

I could still remember watching a newscast about the occurrence of total and partial solar eclipses in the Philippines. I went out of the house with my younger sister, stared at the cloudy skies, and saw the crescent sun while using sunglasses.

Fourteen years later, I went to mainland China together with ten members of the U.P. Astronomical Society to observe and document the longest total solar eclipse of our lifetime.

My colleagues in U.P. Astrosoc, who have decided to join the expedition, started preparing months before the event. Some have already booked a flight to Shanghai, arranged hotel reservations, and applied for visa. Everyone was obviously excited. Sadly at that time, I was still struggling whether I would join them or not.
After learning about the great total solar eclipse on July 2009, I realized that I was missing a significant part of my life. I’m an astronomy enthusiast for years, yet I failed to witness solar eclipses after that day on 1995. 
Thus, there was no excuse not to join the expedition. It also dawned on me that I haven’t closely encountered and studied our sun. The sole reason was the fear of observing it through the telescope, which could cause blindness if the equipment is not properly set up. As a result, I considered our Star as the least interesting celestial object.

Eventually, I gathered enough courage to practice all the safe methods to view the sun. Only this time, I observed it by projection and used solar filters. No sunglasses. My fear of observing the Sun dissipated on that very moment and redefined my perspective about it – from least to a challenge. I was ready to face Sol once again on July 22.

The most awaited day came and I woke up at 4:30 am with only two hours of sleep. My whole body seemed to quiver out of nervousness and excitement. I could hardly calm myself not to think of all possibilities which might happen during the event. I knew for sure that I wasn’t alone feeling this way. All members of the expedition team have been waiting, praying, and preparing for this momentous day. As amateur astronomers, we’re ready to sacrifice and risk a lot of things only to see right before our eyes the glorious and spectacular sights of eclipses, meteor showers, comets, and other astronomical events.

The team arrived at the observation site one hour before the start of the eclipse. The place was off the coast of Jinshanwei, 70 kilometres south of Shanghai city proper. Luckily, it was near the centerline of the path of the totality that would give us 5 minutes and 58 seconds of darkness. To our dismay, the weather didn’t cooperate even before we reached our destination. Clouds and misty rain blanketed the sky, making it difficult to view the Sun.

Nonetheless, we didn’t lose hope.

All members, despite the overcast, prepared their telescopes, cameras and solar filters. Each has their own tasks in observing the total solar eclipse. Some would capture videos and images of the entire stages of the eclipse while others would document the observations of the group in action.

As the countdown of the longest totality neared, onlookers began to appear everywhere. The crowd, including us, was curious, excited, thrilled, ecstatic and mystified. We were all in awe as our team leader shouted, “Totality!!!”.

I couldn’t believe it was actually happening. I almost cried with joy. Day turned into night as the moon covered the entire sun in a matter of minutes. Although the clouds hindered us from viewing the black sun, we could utterly feel the totality. It was eerily dark, cold and windy.

A remarkable 5 minutes and 58 seconds of our lives. It will not happen again until 2132.

Thankfully, I saw these surreal episodes with my fellow astronomy enthusiasts. They have and always been part of my journey as an amateur astronomer. Without the organization and its members, I wouldn’t be what I am now – passionate and dedicated to the field of astronomy.

Moved by this awe-inspiring experience, the group is now planning for another solar eclipse chase. The next total solar eclipse in Southeast Asia will occur in Indonesia on 2016. I hope this time, I’ll be able to see, not just feel, the black sun.